What does your favorite color say about you?
If you look at your wardrobe, you will find that there’s one color which appears more often than others, and yes this is an indicator of your personality.
Below are some traits for each color!
People who love red are optimistic, courageous, confident, action oriented and physically active.
They always move forward without fear of the obstacles in their way, and prepared to try even the strangest new things.
Navy color lovers rarely smile, it is associated with masculinity, seriousness, conventional and professionalism.
They also like to keep things clean and tidy and feel that stability is the most important aspect in life.
They are well-balanced, sensible, discreet and wise, cautious, practical and careful with money.
They think carefully before acting and tend to have a great deal of self-control.
Grey is often chosen by those who fear standing out or drawing attention to themselves, or alternatively who want to remain inconspicuous in order to achieve a certain goal. Grey is the most neutral color, neither bright, dark or light. It can serve as the ideal background for other colors — and for various kinds of psychological manipulation.
Pink is a soft, tender color; it creates a feeling of kindness, homeliness, sentimentality.
People who prefer prink color value comfort and kindness above all in life. they are in constant need of a person who make them feel calm.